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Terreno Baldio: Progressive Rock and Spleen

Thomas Silveira Cavalcanti de Albuquerque

Thomas Silveira Cavalcanti de Albuquerque (Florianópolis, SC, 23.02.1991) holds a Master’s degree in music in the field of Creative Research from UDESC (University of the State of Santa Catarina) and is graduated (Licentiate) in Music. Known as Thomas Costello, he is a professional musician, guitarist, composer, teacher and researcher with emphasis in music theory and harmony, ensemble practice and live performances with rock and fusion bands.

This presentation addresses the musical analysis of “Grite”, a song by the Brazilian progressive rock band Terreno Baldio, released in 1976. Looking for a link between European progressive rock and the progressive rock produced in Brazil in the 1970s, one finds it in the textual melancholy and musical complexity as means of expression of the romantic ideal that permeates this piece. Musical analysis and discourse analysis tools were used to approach the concept of Spleen, a melancholy and anti-conformist romantic ideal present in the Decadent literature of the nineteenth century, especially in Baudelaire's work.




Grite (track) – Terreno Baldio (álbum, 1976) – Terreno Baldio

Terreno Baldio (full album, 1976) – Terreno Baldio


ALBUQUERQUE, Thomas Silveira Cavalcanti de. Terreno Baldio: Uma experiência progressiva brasileira. Masters Thesis. Program of Post-Graduation in Music, UDESC (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina), 2020.



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